The mandate of the Board is to govern Alectra Inc. by setting its strategic direction and risk tolerances, selecting and overseeing the effectiveness of the CEO, and monitoring the successful performance, culture and ethical integrity of the Corporation.
The Board is accountable to the Shareholders to establish a system of effective corporate governance and to achieve the Corporation’s mission/vision/purpose.
The Executive Committee has the ultimate responsibility for strategic development and stewardship of the Corporation, and serves as the executive decision-making body of the organization for key facets of day-to-day operations, consistent with the agreed upon delegated authorities from the President and CEO, including corporate objectives, initiatives, goals and results as detailed in the Strategic and Business Plans.
Board of Directors
Alectra provides compensation to its Board of Directors that is aligned with other public sector organizations due to Alectra’s ownership structure, yet still remains competitive with the private sector to attract both public sector and private sector talent. This document provides an overview of the Board’s mandate and the compensation provided to its members. Learn More.
Executive Committee
Alectra provides compensation to its Executive Committee that is aligned with other public sector organizations due to Alectra’s ownership structure, yet still remains competitive with the private sector to attract both public sector and private sector talent. This document provides an overview of the Executive’s mandate and the compensation provided to its members. Learn More.