This document is available in alternate formats upon request.
Alectra remains committed to working towards full compliance with all standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ("AODA") as they are introduced. The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan outlines the policies/procedures, achievements and actions that Alectra has previously put in place or will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. The current plan covers a five-year period from 2024 to 2029 and will be updated as required.
Statement of Commitment
Alectra is committed to treating all individuals in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. Alectra believes in the principles of integration and equal opportunity and is committed to creating a barrier-free environment by identifying, removing and preventing barriers that may limit persons with disabilities.
Alectra will ensure that programs, services, goods, information, facilities, vehicles and employment opportunities meet the needs of persons with disabilities through the implementation of this policy.
Alectra will use reasonable efforts in meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner.
To ensure Alectra is in compliance with AODA, 2005 we commit to ensuring compliance with the IASR standards through the development of policies, procedures and work instructions.
Customer Service Accessibility Standard
Alectra is committed to providing accessible customer service for its customers. Goods and services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of all customers. The provision of services to persons with disabilities are integrated wherever possible. Persons with disabilities are given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use or benefit from the goods and services provided by and on behalf of Alectra.
Alectra assures adherence to the following:
- Persons with disabilities may use their own assistive devices and/or support persons when accessing goods or services.
- Persons with disabilities are permitted to utilize their service animals in all aspects of service provision unless the animal is otherwise excluded by law.
- Notice of temporary disruptions to services or planned power interruptions are made conspicuous utilizing multiple sources including the Alectra website.
- The development and implementation of a customer feedback process through which persons with disabilities are encouraged to provide information and feedback about goods and services they receive. The customer feedback process is posted on Alectra’s website. Print copies and alternate formats are available upon request.
Action Plan for 2024-2029
- Alectra will provide all customer feedback pertaining to accessibility to the AODA Committee to be included in the annual review of the Accessibility policies, procedures and ensure compliance with this plan and the relevant legislation.
Employment Standard
Alectra is committed to making every reasonable effort to provide persons with disabilities opportunities equal to others as it relates to accessible employment services.
Alectra assures adherence to the following:
- Applicants and employees are informed that accommodations are available, upon request, for the interview process and for other candidate selection processes. Where an accommodation is requested, Alectra will consult with the applicant or employee and provide a suitable accommodation. This notification is on the Alectra careers page with a link to a email address which allows the applicant to contact a People Services team member.
- Successful applicants are made aware of Alectra’s policies and supports for accommodating persons with disabilities through a notification in their offer letter.
- During the onboarding process employees are made aware of policies for employees with disabilities including the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability.
- If requested by an employee with a disability, Alectra provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for the following:
- Information needed in order to perform a job;
- Information that is generally available to all employees in the workplace.
- Employees have been notified of Alectra’s commitment to work with them to create individual workplace emergency response information.
- If requested, a workplace emergency response form is provided to employees who have a disability and require assistance in case of an emergency.
- The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are considered when recruiting new staff, implementing performance management processes, or when offering career development.
- A return to work process for employees who are absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodation(s) in order to return to work has been developed and implemented.
- Documented individual accommodation plans for employees who require disability-related accommodation(s) have been developed and implemented.
- Accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account in the event of redeployment.
Action Plan for 2024-2029
- Alectra will communicate with employees on an annual basis to ensure they are aware of the company’s commitment with respect to accommodations and workplace emergency response plans.
- Alectra will audit all workplace emergency response forms to ensure the plans remain up to date.
- Alectra will continue to communicate the feedback process through which employees with disabilities are encouraged to provide information and feedback.
Information and Communications Standard
Alectra is committed to making every reasonable effort to provide persons with disabilities opportunities equal to others as it relates to accessible information and communications materials. All information and communications materials will be provided in a manner that respects the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.
Alectra assures adherence to the following:
- Consultation with customers, employees and members of the general public who have a disability to determine the most appropriate method to provide information in an accessible format or with the required communication supports.
- Unless deemed unconvertible, Alectra provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and/or communication supports for persons with disabilities, upon request.
- Responses to requests are provided in a timely manner at no additional cost to the person with a disability.
- All publicly available safety and emergency information is provided in an accessible format or with appropriate communications support, upon request.
- Alectra will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communications supports with respect to the feedback process.
- Alectra has a feedback process through which persons with disabilities are encouraged to provide information and feedback.
- Websites and web content conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) at the AA level.
- Customers, employees and the general public who wish to provide feedback can do so by completing an online customer feedback form or by speaking with any Alectra employee.
Action Plan for 2024-2029
- Alectra will ensure all new website and web content continue to conform to the WCAG AA requirement.
Design of Public Space Standard
Alectra is committed to making every reasonable effort to provide persons with disabilities opportunities equal to others as it relates to accessible buildings and public spaces.
Alectra assures adherence to the following:
- Common areas are kept free of obstacles to accessibility and that there is regular maintenance on elevators and automated door operators to ensure proper functioning.
- Regular inspections of offices and common areas are performed in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with consideration to the needs of people with disabilities.
- Limited service disruptions that would restrict availability to accessible areas of its public spaces.
- In the event of a service disruption, Alectra notifies the public of the service disruption and alternatives will be made available.
- All re-developed or newly constructed outdoor eating areas, sidewalks, walkways, ramps, stairs, service counters and waiting areas adhere to legislative requirements.
- All newly constructed or redeveloped off-street parking provide:
- Wider parking spaces for people who use mobility aids such as wheelchairs;
- Standard-width parking spaces for people who use mobility assistive devices such as canes, crutches and walkers;
- Access aisles to allow persons with disabilities to get in and out of their vehicles.
Alectra included the following accessibility upgrades as part of building renovation projects going forward:
- All newly installed doors were upgraded to 38” wide from 36” wide.
- Any newly installed toilets are chair height.
- All newly installed washroom counters are accessible.
- Added blocking in walls of site-specific accessible washrooms for future adult change tables at Derry Road and John Street.
- Accessible showers installed at Derry Road and John Street.
- Push button operators installed on multiple doors throughout most sites.
- Accessible counters installed in cafeterias.
- Accessible microwaves installed at Derry Road and John Street cafeterias.
- All tables in cafeterias have removable seating.
- Purchased and installed sit and stand desks in accordance with updated Alectra furniture standards.
- Updated office space and furniture standards to ensure compliance with AODA.
Action Plan for 2024-2029
- Alectra will work towards the completion of the 2025-2029 AODA Facilities Implementation Plan which includes renovations to Alectra facilities to improve accessibility.
Action Plan Summary - 2024-2029
IASR Standard
Target Completion
Reactivation of an Internal AODA Committee to conduct an annual review of the Accessibility Policies, Procedures and ensure compliance with this plan and relevant legislation.
Ensure completion of the legislatively required Accessibility Compliance Reports
Every 3 years
Conduct an audit of the internal training material and the record keeping ensuring legislative compliance
Customer Service
Provide all customer feedback pertaining to accessibility to the AODA Committee to be included in the annual review of the Accessibility policies, procedures and ensure compliance with this plan and the relevant legislation.
Communicate with employees on an annual basis to ensure they are aware of the company’s commitment with respect to accommodations and workplace emergency response plans.
Audit all current workplace emergency response forms to ensure the plans remain up to date.
Continue to communicate the feedback process through which employees with disabilities are encouraged to provide information and feedback.
Information and Communications
Ensure all new website and web content continues to conform to the WCAG AA requirement.
Design of Public Space
Work towards the completion of the 2025-2029 AODA Facilities Implementation Plan which includes renovations to Alectra facilities to improve accessibility. The renovation projects include:
- Updates to bathrooms, kitchens, change rooms, cafeterias/lunchrooms and lobbies
- New signage, visual strobe fire alarms in washrooms
- Elevator improvements
- Improvements to ramps, accessible pathways
- Increased accessible parking
We Welcome Your Feedback on our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
Alectra values your input to ensure that our Plan includes ways to reduce or eliminate any barriers you may be experiencing that could have a potential to prevent customers or members of the public from accessing our services. Let us know how this Plan meets your needs and possible areas of improvement.
Customer related inquiries or any other non-employment related external inquiry may be made by:
- Email:
- Mail: Jon Evangelista, Director, Customer Care, 161 Cityview Boulevard, Vaughan, ON L4H OA9
- Telephone: Jon Evangelista, Director, Customer Care – 437-777-7298
Facilities and Procurement related inquiries or feedback can be submitted by:
- Email:
- Mail: Mark Warelis, 55 John Street North, Hamilton, ON L8R 3M8
- Telephone: Mark Warelis, Facilities – 905-961-0159
All External Employment related inquiries may be directed to:
All Internal Employment related inquiries or concerns may be directed to: or the employee’s manager.