Smart Cities

Powering homes, buildings and transportation with smart, clean technologies


Powering homes, buildings, and transportation with smart, clean technologies is a key strategic area of focus for Alectra. The Smart Cities team at the Alectra GRE&T Centre promotes smart, clean, and integrated technologies and data to enhance the quality of life for residents. The initial focus is to identify, test, and assess opportunities for Alectra to support residents, businesses, and municipalities with the shift to electric mobility.

Managed EV Charging Icon

Influence and develop convenient solutions for electric vehicle drivers and building operators

Insight on Electric Vehicle Icon

Provide insight on electric vehicle distribution and integration to meet demands of customers

GHG Icon

Promote electric vehicle adoption, leading to significantly reduced carbon footprint


Electrification of transportation can help cities, towns and communities achieve their climate change and sustainability objectives. The Smart Cities team explores business models, assesses vendors, tests technologies, and designs customer support strategies required to accelerate electrification of transportation. The insights and experience gained from pilot projects, studies, and proof-of-concept demonstrations inform the design of customer-centered e-mobility strategies at Alectra and influence programs aimed to increase EV adoption.


Man with a fleet in the background

Electrification of Commercial Fleets

10% of Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from freight transportation (NRCan). Electrifying commercial fleets can help organizations reduce their carbon footprint to meet their decarbonization goals, bring down their energy consumption, and reduce the total cost of ownership of their fleet. Alectra’s Smart Cities team is exploring the various challenges and solutions presented by fleet electrification, including high-capacity EV chargers, managed charging and the potential for fleets to supply energy services back to the grid. Alectra is also investigating how utility processes could be revised to reflect the unique characteristics of EV charging projects.

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