1.1 This policy and procedure apply to all Alectra employees, Board Directors, contractors, andconsultants and their interactions with each other.
1.2 This policy applies to any location in which employees are engaged in work related activities and is not limited to Alectra work locations, for example, remote work locations, company vehicles, company events, and conferences.
1.3 This policy continues to apply to the work being done by Alectra employees over the phone, during conference calls, video calls, email communication, or other (i.e. as it would if the work was being performed in the office).
2.1 To define the behaviour, actions and/or conduct that constitutes workplace harassment,discrimination and workplace violence.
2.2 To raise awareness of workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence and to promote a proactive approach to preventing workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence.
2.3 To define the procedure for reporting, responding to and resolving incidents of workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence.
3.1 Alectra is committed to providing and maintaining a working environment that is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone in the organization. It is Alectra’s goal to take every reasonable precaution to provide a healthy and safe work environment that is free of any form of harassment, discrimination or violence.
3.2 Employees are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards of behaviour and to perform their work in a manner that is consistent with Alectra’s Corporate Values of Respect, Customer Focus, Safety, Innovation and Excellence, to preserve a safe and healthy work environment.
3.3 It is the responsibility of every person, named in section 1.1 of this document, to abide by the Respect in the Workplace Policy and Procedure, and to participate in training on workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence education.
3.4 A copy of this policy shall be provided to each new employee as part of the employee’s onboarding. All employees must complete the E-learning module on the Respect in the Workplace Policy and Procedure, on an annual basis.
Additionally, the policy shall be posted on Alectra’s internet and will be provided to all contractors and consultants engaging in work for Alectra.
3.5 Employees have the right to make a report, in good faith or enforce their rights under the policy without reprisal or threat of reprisal. An employee can bring forth a formal complaint of workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence, through this Alectra procedure. If the employee’s immediate leader is the alleged source of the complaint, the incident may be reported to the next leadership level, the People Team, or a worker certified member or worker co-chair of the Joint Health and Safety Committee.
3.6 This policy and procedure are based on principles of fairness and due process for complainants and respondents. Alectra is committed to providing a complaint resolution process that is fair, unbiased and facilitative to all parties.
3.7 Individuals found to have committed workplace harassment, discrimination or workplace violence will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for cause.
3.8 This policy will be reviewed after any serious incident or annually, whichever is earlier by the People Team.
This procedure is intended to provide the process in which an employee can address a concern related to workplace harassment, discrimination and workplace violence, and in which they can raise a complaint either informally or formally. It also lists the responsibilities of the various stakeholders.
6.1 How a Complaint May Surface
A complaint may surface in a number of ways, including:
- The employee(s) receiving unwanted behaviour from another individual.
- A People Leader observing actions or behaviours that are in violation to the Code of Conduct and the Respect in the Workplace Policy and Procedure.
- A People Leader being informed of harassment, discrimination, workplace violence or domestic violence allegations by another employee who has witnessed an alleged incident.
- Notification by a certified worker member or worker co-chair of the Joint Health & Safety Committee.
6.2 Who to Contact
- In emergency situations, such as certain acts of violence; contact 9-1-1 and then the immediate leader and/or the People Team.
- In situations where the employee is not comfortable approaching the individual demonstrating the unwelcome behaviour, they may contact their immediate leader or, if the situation involves the employee’s leader, then the employee’s next leadership level, People Team or a certified worker member or worker co-chair of the Joint Health & Safety Committee.
- Employees may also use the confidential hotline as outlined in the Whistleblower Policy. Toll-free hotline: 1-855-238-3738, Website: www.clearviewconnects.com
Informal Process (no reporting): Employees may address the unwelcome behaviour directly with the person believed to be acting inappropriately towards them. This will not engage reporting, investigation, or resolution obligations under this policy and procedure.
Formal Resolution Process: Employees may choose to engage the resolution process (formal reporting and investigation processes) established in this policy and procedure:
- Step 1: The complainant must report the alleged incident in writing or orally to the appropriate People Leader and/or People Team. If the alleged incident involves the complainant’s People Leader/Supervisor/Manager, then a report may be made to a certified worker member or worker co-chair of the JHSC;
If the person believed to be acting inappropriately is not an employee (for example, a customer, supplier, or visitor), the complainant is to report the unwelcome behaviour immediately to their immediate leader, or the People Team. - Step 2: To ensure sufficient information is collected from the complainant in regard to the alleged incident, the complainant must complete the Respect in the Workplace Complaint Form (HRS-FRM-001) (“Form”) available through the intranet, or upon request to the person to whom the report was made. If required, the complainant may seek assistance in completing the Form, from the person to whom the report was brought.
If required, a meeting may also be held with the complainant to document the unwelcome behaviour. This may include the nature of the incident, name(s) of the person(s) demonstrating the unwelcome behaviour, the place, date of the incident(s), possible witnesses and any other relevant facts.
- Step 3: Upon receiving sufficient information to begin an investigation appropriate in the circumstance, one will be commenced as soon as practicable, and with a goal of 90 days. Certain circumstances may warrant undertaking immediate actions in order to protect the safety of all parties involved in the complaint. This may entail removing the employee and/or respondent from the work environment or temporarily separating the employee and respondent until a resolution is found. Certain circumstances may warrant a delay in commencing and/or completing an investigation appropriate in the circumstances. Reasons for immediate action and/or delay will be communicated to the parties as needed.
- Step 4: The person tasked with performing an investigation appropriate in the circumstance, the Investigator, will review all materials provided by the complainant and respondent, take statements from them, witnesses and parties identified, prepare a report, and make a determination in regard to the complaint. The Investigator will not disclose identifying information about any individuals involved, unless disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigating or taking corrective action or is otherwise required by law. The Investigator will keep all complaint materials in a separate physical and/or electronic folder, not accessible to anyone except the investigator. The complaint materials collected and created by the Investigator will be destroyed, at the close of the investigation, in the manner set out by this policy and procedure.
- Step 5: The complainant and the respondent will be informed in writing of the results of the investigation and of any corrective action taken, or that will be taken as a result of the investigation. Results will be provided as soon as practical, and with a goal of 10 days after the report is completed. Respecting privacy concerns, a copy of the report is not provided to the JHSC.
Alectra recognizes the sensitive nature of harassment, discrimination, workplace violence and domestic violence and will keep all complaints confidential to the extent possible. Disclosure will only occur when necessary for the purposes of investigating or taking corrective action with respect to the incident or complaint, or otherwise required by law.
9.1 Corrective measures
If a finding of harassment, discrimination or workplace violence is made, Alectra will take appropriate corrective measures, regardless of the respondent’s length of service or position in the Company.
Corrective measures may include one or more of the following:
- Referral for counseling, coaching, behavioural training or retraining on the Respect in the Workplace Policy and Procedure
- A demotion, reassignment or transfer
- Denial of a bonus or performance related salary increase, where applicable
- Discipline, such as a verbal warning, written warning, or suspension
- Termination with or without cause
9.2 Complaints made in Bad Faith
If an employee makes a complaint in good faith, regardless of the outcome of the investigation, the employee will not be subject to any form of discipline.
However, Alectra will discipline anyone who brings forward a false, malicious, or vexatious complaint, up to and including termination.
All related documentation shall be maintained in a confidential file for a period of no less than one year from the conclusion of the investigation. Related documentation may include (but not limited to) the following:
- a copy of the complaint or details about the incident;
- a record of the investigation including notes;
- a copy of statements;
- a copy of the investigation report;
- a copy of the results of the investigation that were provided to the worker who reported workplace harassment and the alleged harasser; and
- a copy of any corrective action taken to address the complaint or incident of workplace harassment.
Alectra will not tolerate retaliation, taunts or threats against anyone who has made a complaint or takes part in an investigation. Any person who taunts, retaliates, uses their authority or threatens anyone in relation to a harassment, violence and discrimination complaint may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
If there is any dispute related to any part of this Policy and Procedure, the employee may raise their concern with the Senior Vice President, People & Safety.
13.1 Occupational Health & Safety Act R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1
13.2 Ontario Human Rights Code
13.3 Ontario Human Rights Commission (Tribunal)
13.4 Criminal Code of Canada
13.5 Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997
14.1 Code of Conduct Policy
14.2 Health and Safety Policy
14.3 Whistleblower Policy
14.4 Workplace Harassment and Violence Complaint Form